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What is yuzu tea?
It is a traditional Korean tea made with a Japanese citrus fruit called yuzu. Yuzu tea is a cross between mandarin oranges and ichang papeda (citrus cavaleriei) therefore is considered a hybrid fruit. It is also known as Yuzu cha in Japanese.
Yuzu tea is a mixture of powder with water. What makes it a healthy beverage is that it has zero caffeine. It is bittersweet and can be on the counter or shelf till the expiry date. Yuzu syrup has both the flesh and peel of the yuzu fruit. The article gives you a review of the Yuzu tea.
Chemical properties of yuzu tea
Yuzu tea has compounds like limonene and linalool (sciencedirect.com) that give yuzu oil’s distinct aroma, like grapefruit, mandarin, bergamot, and lime. Yuzu oil has soothing effects that help reduce tension and anxiety. To those experiencing stress, mood disturbance, tension, depression, anger, and confusion, try Yuzu tea.

Nutritional facts about yuzu tea
It has more vitamin C than raw lemon juice. Vitamin C in Yuzu tea helps the immune system to fight against infections and other diseases. The antioxidants are reactivated to protect cells and relieve disease stress (nih.gov).
Since yuzu is rich in antioxidants, it reduces your risk of brain ailments, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer. A flavor compound in the peel acts as an antioxidant and helps reduce inflammation. It also treats some types of asthma.
This nutrient is essential in the human body as it helps in bodybuilding. Yuzu tea contains about 0.8g per 1ml. That shows the high nutritional value of the tea.
As they constitute 0.3g per 1ml, fats provide heat to the body. Therefore, yuzu tea has a good proportion of fat.
Vitamin C
As this nutrient helps in many respiratory infections, a proportion of 59% of the daily value in yuzu tea shows a high nutritional value.
Benefits of yuzu tea
Also known as Citron Tea, Yuzu has quite many benefits. The tea heals respiratory infections. The infections include sore throats and coughs. Since it is a rich source of vitamin C, it helps the immune system fight against infections (eatright.org).
This tea also contains anti-inflammatory properties. These are substances that reduce swelling and pain in the body. Due to the high levels of vitamin C contained in the tea, Yuzu tea is a power booster as it brings energy for day-to-day activities.
Yuzu tea also helps regulate bowel movements, as shown when humans excrete at least two times a week. The tea, therefore, helps to reduce constipation and also diarrhea. Metabolism is enhanced by the regular consumption of Yuzu tea, meaning that food absorption into energy will be at its optimum.
As yuzu tea contains vitamin C, it helps to maintain radiant and smooth skin. That comes around as vitamin C protects the skin against inflammation. The tea contains vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, so it is an anti-aging solution. Therefore consumption of this tea regularly will help maintain good skin clear of wrinkles.
Yuzu tea improves blood flow. Blood clotting may stop bleeding after a cut, but Yuzu tea helps your body stop excessive clotting. Excessive clotting may be severe enough to cause blockages in small and large blood vessels leading to heart disease, heart attack, and stroke.
Potential downsides
Although it has more benefits, yuzu tea has its limitations. Since it is made with lemon, the acid content in yuzu tea is relatively high. That triggers symptoms of certain medical conditions. For example, people who suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) are prone to heartburn symptoms (mayoclinic.org). The acid can cause nausea and cause stomach irritation.
Yuzu tea can result in some tooth decay. That is so because acid content will result in tooth enamel wearing down and later on cause cavities.
How to make yuzu tea
You can make Yuzu tea at home from scratch. Collect all needed ingredients, including Yuzu syrup, honey, and sugar. For aroma, you can add rosemary. You can still enjoy the Yuzu fruit at the base of journal tea when you have finished your tea.
Sterilize a glass jar in a pot of boiling water.
Place two tablespoons of Yuzu in the jar and pour hot water and stir
You can add honey or sugar to sweeten the solution
How many cups of yuzu tea can you drink?
There is no limit to the amount of tea intake due to the lack of caffeine in it. It is therefore encouraged to consume yuzu tea regularly as it has proven medical benefits.
Is yuzu similar to lemon?
With the yellow color it is when ripe, it resembles a lemon. Its shape is that of an orange, and its seeds are much larger and thicker than a lemon.
What are potential substitutes for yuzu?
As it is made of mandarin orange and ichang papeda, drinking lemon tea instead can be similar to drinking yuzu tea.
How to store yuzu tea
Keep the yuzu tea base in an air-tight container in the fridge. Once you open the container, use it up within ten days, otherwise, it becomes unsafe for consumption. You can keep the yuzu tea base for three months in the freezer. Separate it into small portions and keep it in Ziploc bags. To keep this yuzu tea for over three months, do not open the bottle and keep it in the fridge. You can keep Yuzu tea for one year, but it is better within six months.
What if you cannot find fresh yuzu?
Look for yuzu marmalade jars at local Japanese, or Asian shops or on Amazon. To make your tea, scoop two to three teaspoons of yuzu marmalade into a cup and mix it with hot water.
Can you use regular sugar instead of rock sugar?
No, because regular sugar dissolves quickly while rock sugar does not. Yuzu’s components can be released slowly with rock sugar unlike regular sugar, which dissolves rapidly, and all the flavors are not released. No cooking is needed since everything is in an air-tight container. All you need to do is place all the ingredients into the container.
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