Remove tea stains from tea cups using household items like baking soda, salt, or dishwashing detergent. Tea contains tannin, which gives it …
How to make kawakawa tea
What is kawakawa tea Kawakawa is a herb with large heart-shaped leaves. It is also known as Macropiper excelsum and is an alternative to …
What to replace tea with
What is a good replacement for tea Lemon Water Lemon water is a tea alternative for your daily stress. An easier way would be to …
How do you make tea in the microwave?
When making tea using a microwave, there are a few steps to follow and things to avoid. I used the microwave with limited time, and the tea …
Nicotine in tea vs Cigarette
Both tea and cigarettes contain nicotine, but the levels or amounts differ. Tea boosts your thinking capacity as a cigarette does, but the …
How to make eucalyptus tea
How to make eucalyptus tea from dry leaves Fresh eucalyptus leaves are toxic if consumed, so never ingest them. Do not add eucalyptus oil …
Can you make tea with almond milk?
Yes, you can make tea with almond milk, but it might not taste the same as cow's milk. What made almond milk gain popularity is because of …
Is it ok to put honey in hot tea?
Yes, it is ok to put honey in hot tea. When adding honey to hot tea, note that there are two types: raw and pasteurized honey. Raw honey …
The Acid in tea vs Coffee
Both tea and coffee are acidic. Coffee is generally more acidic than tea. However, some teas are more acidic than coffee. Acidic tea and …