We Believe:
Natural Health
We believe that everything that we need for the nourishment of our bodies is available at our disposal in its natural form. Our kitchens are our first clinics. They are the first place where we can ensure that we are in good health before we need to get access to healthcare. Hospitals are filled with people who were just a few kitchen and lifestyle decisions away from avoiding this visit. As the saying goes, “Prevention is better than cure.’ Our aim is to provide you with natural recommendations that will keep in perfect wellbeing.
No Harm
We believe that neither beauty of nourishment should come at the expense of another being. As such, we will be providing you with recommendations of products and services that do not exploit. These will range from businesses that do not cause harm to animals by harming them in product development or subsequent testing. The great news is that more and more companies have been challenged for this practice and increasingly moving away from said practices.
No harm also means that the products that we use should not come at the expense of the environment. The state of the earth has been deteriorating for years now. Most of this has been a direct result of our actions as humans. It is up to us to ensure that the next generations have a planet as good as we found it. If we can make it better, that would be ideal. Making small changes to our lifestyles goes a long way to aid this cause.
No harm also means that those who produce the products that we use and recommend are treated fairly. They are well-paid and have reasonable working conditions. This is probably the hardest one to police seeing as companies operate in various geographic locations where the laws are different. There is also a lot of secrecy surrounding some product development which means that we will not know what is happening. That is not a reason to do nothing.
Transcending Health
We believe that health is transcending. Our aim is to produce content that covers the nourishment of body, mind and spirit. We all have a massive part to play in seeing our society fully embrace all these aspects of our health. The least spoken about one is mental health. This even more prevalent among men.